Guangdong Chenlong ACG Technology Co.,Ltd.

How to Address Color Deviation Issues in Printing?

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During the printing process, it is common to observe certain color deviations in different batches of printed products using the same file, attributed to factors such as paper choice, ink environment, and others. Upon closer examination, we have discovered that even within the same batch of printed products, minor color deviations can occur! While these deviations are relatively small, many factories, particularly smaller ones, tend to overlook such nuances. Most customers lack a professional eye and typically do not pay attention to these matters.

Fortunately, our customers have high-quality requirements, demanding the utmost in product quality, thereby elevating our production standards. When dealing with a large quantity of products to be printed, the primary issue often lies in uneven ink distribution, leading to significant color deviations. Drawing on our extensive experience, we have established a maximum number of prints for a single operation. Once this threshold is surpassed, the machine requires reconfiguration before resuming printing. A factory must rely on excellent technology, stringent production processes, and a meticulous work attitude to uphold the quality of its products.

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